Today I opened up the Bible after a long while and I was glad that I did. My passage was in 2 Samuel 24, a passage that is about God's anger at David for numbering the people of the land.
At first I was intrigued by why did God punish Israel when, (1) He incited David to number the people, and (2) it was David who sinned and yet the innocent people of Israel died in the pestilence. I still don't have the answers to my 2 questions, but verse 1 of the passage, "the anger of the Lord burned against Israel" gave
some clues that it was for the sins of Israel, and He incited David to do the first steps.
Though I do not know the exact nature of the sins, I do know from the passage that God is merciful. He will relent from punishments when we pray. Three things stood out for me about God here.(1) He does punish - He is a God of justice. (2) When punishing He will relent from it - He is merciful. (3) God can be "moved by prayer" v25. It is important to pray as God does move and be moved when we pray.
This passage reminds me afresh that I should pray. It can and does work.
One question that I asked myself, 'Since prayers do work, what is ONE thing you want to ask for in 2012?'
I prayed for a turn around in attitudes for myself, my spouse and my children. A good turn around from the many inadequate attitudes that stumbled us in 2011, so that we can move anew in this coming new year.
Pray. It works!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
God is moved by our prayers
Personal revival,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fearing God
While John the Baptist came unannounced, worked away from the populace, and did not conformed to society norms, his results were outstanding. "The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him". Unconventional approaches. Unbelievable results.
My reflections today was on Mark 1 verses 1-4, on the introduction of John the Baptist.
2 main thoughts struck me. One was on the manner of John the Baptist's ministry. The other, theocentrically, was on the certainty of God's promises.
John was a messenger, not the One - the Son of God. He was the way preparer, the caller for the Voice, the path maker. He knows that his role is secondary and he will always play 2nd fiddle to the Messiah. He was also unconventional and non-conformist in his fashion, diet, and working style. All in, he is not your typical evangelist. But his results were stunning. Crowds came from all over and were baptised. Indeed, he was successfully preparing the way for the Messiah.
God's Word when uttered, always come true. "as it is written" in verse 1 and "and so John the Baptist appeared" bears to this truth of God's Word. What God promised will be done, minus the noisy fanfare and over zealous marketing. And when it is done, the results are visible and stunning.
While we know that His Word will come true, do we readily believe in it? This is where I find myself lacking and John the Baptist a quiet giant. John the Baptist went forth in obedience to His Word and did His bidding. I often shrink back and waited.
My reflections today was on Mark 1 verses 1-4, on the introduction of John the Baptist.
2 main thoughts struck me. One was on the manner of John the Baptist's ministry. The other, theocentrically, was on the certainty of God's promises.
John was a messenger, not the One - the Son of God. He was the way preparer, the caller for the Voice, the path maker. He knows that his role is secondary and he will always play 2nd fiddle to the Messiah. He was also unconventional and non-conformist in his fashion, diet, and working style. All in, he is not your typical evangelist. But his results were stunning. Crowds came from all over and were baptised. Indeed, he was successfully preparing the way for the Messiah.
God's Word when uttered, always come true. "as it is written" in verse 1 and "and so John the Baptist appeared" bears to this truth of God's Word. What God promised will be done, minus the noisy fanfare and over zealous marketing. And when it is done, the results are visible and stunning.
While we know that His Word will come true, do we readily believe in it? This is where I find myself lacking and John the Baptist a quiet giant. John the Baptist went forth in obedience to His Word and did His bidding. I often shrink back and waited.
Teach me to fear your Word again. Let me not be one who knows about your word but take it lightly. Let me be one who knows your Word, fear it and let it order my life accordingly.
Christian Growth
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
"though it is smaller... yet.. it grows"
Can small insignificant things/people ever amount to much? They can.
Mark 4:30-34, "though it is smaller.. yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all ... so that birds of the air can nest under its shade." Though this verse refers to the Kingdom of God, I felt that this word spoke to me this morning. God can turn things around. Here, from smallest to the largest. In Eze 17:24, the reference passage, from a tender one, to a stately cedar. He will do it to make the dry tree flourish for His name sake.
God gave me hope in this passage. For me, I'm thankful that I'll grow even though I'm a small seed. I don't need to be the largest and never sought to be one. Here God's word encourages, in that there will be growth.
The growth here is for a specific purpose, not for myself. Its that the 'birds can nest under its shade". Rest is a more common word for me, but enable others to nest is new. I'm reminded here to be strong and cooperate with others to en-nest others.
Fresh word this day to "grow up and form larger branches" so that others can nest under it. Its a scary word if its all up to me. But its a comforting word, when He is the source of power and enabling.
Help me to respond alright Lord.
Mark 4:30-34, "though it is smaller.. yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all ... so that birds of the air can nest under its shade." Though this verse refers to the Kingdom of God, I felt that this word spoke to me this morning. God can turn things around. Here, from smallest to the largest. In Eze 17:24, the reference passage, from a tender one, to a stately cedar. He will do it to make the dry tree flourish for His name sake.
God gave me hope in this passage. For me, I'm thankful that I'll grow even though I'm a small seed. I don't need to be the largest and never sought to be one. Here God's word encourages, in that there will be growth.
The growth here is for a specific purpose, not for myself. Its that the 'birds can nest under its shade". Rest is a more common word for me, but enable others to nest is new. I'm reminded here to be strong and cooperate with others to en-nest others.
Fresh word this day to "grow up and form larger branches" so that others can nest under it. Its a scary word if its all up to me. But its a comforting word, when He is the source of power and enabling.
Help me to respond alright Lord.
Christian Growth,
Personal revival
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Jesus and Prayer
Once a while, I review my old devotional journals. Today, I came across one that struck me. It was dated 28 Apr 2009 on a familiar passage of Jesus in Mark 1:35, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed"
It is one of those passages that embarrassed us about our own state of prayer versus Jesus'. He was working very hard the day before, and yet He got up early in the morning to pray. Prayer is definitely very important to Jesus, otherwise He would not do so. For me, tiredness would usually mean a rest from prayer so that I can rest - but not so for Jesus.
Another thought that stood out for me is that even Jesus need to pray. We would have thought that Jesus need not pray, being the Son of God with all the powers of heaven at His disposal. Yet He did, and perhaps, wanted to pray. Here I see prayer as not so much of coming to God with a list of request, but to come to God in fellowship and devotion. Prayer is that, where we seek the face of God and not just the hand of God to do things for us.
Jesus also made time for prayer in the midst of His busy schedule. When was the last time that I schedule time for prayer? Yes, perhaps in my younger days. I would need to do so again now.
I was reminded that the early Church Fathers had a 7 day prayer focus to help them in prayers.
Sunday - Pray against Pride; may God bless us with Humility
Monday - Pray against Envy; may God bless us with Kindness
Tuesday - Pray against Anger; may God bless us with Patience
Wednesday - Pray against Apathy; may God bless us with Diligence
Thursday - Pray against Greed; may God bless us with Generosity
Friday - Pray against Gluttony; may God bless us with Abstinence
Saturday - Pray against Lust;may God bless us with Chastity
Note: the "may God bless us with..." is from my church pastor and not from the early Church Fathers.
May we do something today about our prayer life again.
It is one of those passages that embarrassed us about our own state of prayer versus Jesus'. He was working very hard the day before, and yet He got up early in the morning to pray. Prayer is definitely very important to Jesus, otherwise He would not do so. For me, tiredness would usually mean a rest from prayer so that I can rest - but not so for Jesus.
Another thought that stood out for me is that even Jesus need to pray. We would have thought that Jesus need not pray, being the Son of God with all the powers of heaven at His disposal. Yet He did, and perhaps, wanted to pray. Here I see prayer as not so much of coming to God with a list of request, but to come to God in fellowship and devotion. Prayer is that, where we seek the face of God and not just the hand of God to do things for us.
Jesus also made time for prayer in the midst of His busy schedule. When was the last time that I schedule time for prayer? Yes, perhaps in my younger days. I would need to do so again now.
I was reminded that the early Church Fathers had a 7 day prayer focus to help them in prayers.
Sunday - Pray against Pride; may God bless us with Humility
Monday - Pray against Envy; may God bless us with Kindness
Tuesday - Pray against Anger; may God bless us with Patience
Wednesday - Pray against Apathy; may God bless us with Diligence
Thursday - Pray against Greed; may God bless us with Generosity
Friday - Pray against Gluttony; may God bless us with Abstinence
Saturday - Pray against Lust;may God bless us with Chastity
Note: the "may God bless us with..." is from my church pastor and not from the early Church Fathers.
May we do something today about our prayer life again.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
No Insights for the hardened heart
Read and reflected on Mark. 6: 47-52 today and the verse that stood out for me was, "They had not gained any insight ... but their heart was hardened" (v.52).
It is a sad commentary by Mark about the disciples' learning. Just hours ago, they were shown a great miracle of God's provision, and yet after that they fell to the depths of terror in the storm. They had gained no insight to the workings of God and missed out on the lesson to be learnt from the miracle.
Lest we be quick to judge them, it may be good to ponder why did they not learnt anything? Mark told us that their hearts were hardened and it blinded them to learning about God. Why and how was it harden? How long has it been harden? Can it be soften? Beware of the dangerous of a hardened heart.
In reflection, is my heart hardened or soft? Would i have replied the same as the disciples in verse 37? Am I still hardened by my past baggages and hurts? Can I still gain insights with this hardened heart?
With us, we cannot gain insight, but with God, He makes all the difference. The good news for us, is that He gets into the boat with us, see verse 51, and calms us. He heard our cries in the storm and enters our boat to calm our fears. He can and will help us to know Him again in a fresh way.
Lord, please come into my life and totally transform me. Replace this hardened heart which prevents me from knowing you. Give me fresh insights to learn and to row pass the storms of life.
It is a sad commentary by Mark about the disciples' learning. Just hours ago, they were shown a great miracle of God's provision, and yet after that they fell to the depths of terror in the storm. They had gained no insight to the workings of God and missed out on the lesson to be learnt from the miracle.
Lest we be quick to judge them, it may be good to ponder why did they not learnt anything? Mark told us that their hearts were hardened and it blinded them to learning about God. Why and how was it harden? How long has it been harden? Can it be soften? Beware of the dangerous of a hardened heart.
In reflection, is my heart hardened or soft? Would i have replied the same as the disciples in verse 37? Am I still hardened by my past baggages and hurts? Can I still gain insights with this hardened heart?
With us, we cannot gain insight, but with God, He makes all the difference. The good news for us, is that He gets into the boat with us, see verse 51, and calms us. He heard our cries in the storm and enters our boat to calm our fears. He can and will help us to know Him again in a fresh way.
Lord, please come into my life and totally transform me. Replace this hardened heart which prevents me from knowing you. Give me fresh insights to learn and to row pass the storms of life.
Christian Growth
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I feel compassion for the people
Mark 8: 2-3. “I feel compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3 If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.”
I am comforted to read of the God that we have - one who feels compassion for us. One who notices our plight and understands our needs and frailties. He knows how long we have been with Him. He knows that those who are with Him needs food - what a refreshing change from some task-oriented leaders that we serve.
While it is easy for me to blame my superiors, how do i behave as a leader, or husband or father? Am i also compassionate and look into their needs? Do i know who are my sheep - my co-workers, my ministry members (those that have come a long way to learn and work with me)? Do i know how long they have been with me, and, how hard it is for them to remain with me? Do i know if their needs are met? Do i know that they may faint if their needs are no met? Do i care if they faint?
Can I not look on those around me with eyes of compassion and feel compassion for them? Am i more complacent rather than compassion for people? After a while of working with people, compassion can be lost easily, and we may tend to treat people as just "these people" like what the disciples said in verse 4.
Today I am reminded to have true compassion for those around me and not to be quick to judge my leaders for not showing compassion to me.
I am comforted to read of the God that we have - one who feels compassion for us. One who notices our plight and understands our needs and frailties. He knows how long we have been with Him. He knows that those who are with Him needs food - what a refreshing change from some task-oriented leaders that we serve.
While it is easy for me to blame my superiors, how do i behave as a leader, or husband or father? Am i also compassionate and look into their needs? Do i know who are my sheep - my co-workers, my ministry members (those that have come a long way to learn and work with me)? Do i know how long they have been with me, and, how hard it is for them to remain with me? Do i know if their needs are met? Do i know that they may faint if their needs are no met? Do i care if they faint?
Can I not look on those around me with eyes of compassion and feel compassion for them? Am i more complacent rather than compassion for people? After a while of working with people, compassion can be lost easily, and we may tend to treat people as just "these people" like what the disciples said in verse 4.
Today I am reminded to have true compassion for those around me and not to be quick to judge my leaders for not showing compassion to me.
Christian Growth
Monday, March 7, 2011
4 Kinds of Prayers
I came across this article on CEFC Facebook Notes page and thought it worth reproducing for those who may missed out on such a good article. Enjoy and pray!
1) “Give Me” Prayers
These are our prayers that go something like “Lord, I need (fill in the blank), please give me ...”, or “God, I really want (fill in the blank), please give me ... ”
It could be a promotion at work, a place for your child in that top school, a life partner, etc.
1) “Give Me” Prayers
These are our prayers that go something like “Lord, I need (fill in the blank), please give me ...”, or “God, I really want (fill in the blank), please give me ... ”
It could be a promotion at work, a place for your child in that top school, a life partner, etc.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
2 Fears. 2 Asleep.
This is an old familiar passage about Jesus calming the storm. The last time this passage touched me was on 18 Jun 2004. Then the message was on 3 greatest things. The Greatest Irony – Stormy weather and yet Jesus was asleep. The Greatest Accusation – that Jesus do not care. The Greatest Need – Faith in the storms of life. It was a pretty need outline which I used to share to others then. What other thoughts could come out of this passage now? (That’s my challenge – squeezing fresh wine from old grapes).
Christian Growth,
Personal revival
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Break up your fallow hardened ground
The worship leader in the Sunday Service said this yesterday, "My heart goes out to those who are once faithful but are not walking with the Lord now ..." Those words struck me as I am like that. My heart is a fallow and hardened ground, and un-tended garden overgrown with weeds, unable to receive the grace of God.
But what really struck me is the thought of the model that I'm leaving for my two daughters now. When I was at the height of my ministry service, my children were still young and ignorant. Now when they are aware of what's happening, they see a father struggling to walk with God, often in outbursts and unkind towards the family.
Am I going to leave that negative picture for them? I need to buck up and be the positive role model for them. Lord, lead me towards loving you again. Rain on me your grace and love. Let me walk faithfully with you once again.
It is possible. All things are possible with God. I must believe that.
But what really struck me is the thought of the model that I'm leaving for my two daughters now. When I was at the height of my ministry service, my children were still young and ignorant. Now when they are aware of what's happening, they see a father struggling to walk with God, often in outbursts and unkind towards the family.
Am I going to leave that negative picture for them? I need to buck up and be the positive role model for them. Lord, lead me towards loving you again. Rain on me your grace and love. Let me walk faithfully with you once again.
It is possible. All things are possible with God. I must believe that.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Spiritual Disciplines - A lost tradition in this busy modern world
Centuries ago, our lives were less complex, slower and more meaningful. There was more time to be at peace and to slow down to read or watch the sunrise. Now with increased technology at our disposal, we have less time on our hands - paradoxically. Is it then impossible to break away from all these modern break neck speeds and be able to center down with God?
I believe we can, by practicing spiritual disciplines.
I believe we can, by practicing spiritual disciplines.
Christian Growth
4 causes of weak inner lives:
1) Primal wounds of the HEART – inner woundedness
2) Cynicism of the MIND – critical & judgmental attitudes
3) Overcrowding of the SOUL – busyness and fatigue
4) Paralysis of the WILL – deep seated unwillingness
The above are taken from CEFC church in Singapore. Its crisp and powerful reminder of the things that will rob us from intimacy with God. If we harbour any of the above, we won't be able to love God.
2) Cynicism of the MIND – critical & judgmental attitudes
3) Overcrowding of the SOUL – busyness and fatigue
4) Paralysis of the WILL – deep seated unwillingness
The above are taken from CEFC church in Singapore. Its crisp and powerful reminder of the things that will rob us from intimacy with God. If we harbour any of the above, we won't be able to love God.
Christian Growth
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Stubborn Roots in our Lives
Last year, I was clearing my potted plants outside my home. Many of the rotting plants were thrown away while the earthen pots were savaged for my father-in-law.
In the process of clearing the rotted plants, I faced the unenviable task of de-rooting the thorny plants with old blunt scissors. The soil were dried and hardened. The thorns were every where and waiting to trap me and poke me, which it did.
But herein, in the midst of this back breaking task, I learnt an important lessons.
In the process of clearing the rotted plants, I faced the unenviable task of de-rooting the thorny plants with old blunt scissors. The soil were dried and hardened. The thorns were every where and waiting to trap me and poke me, which it did.
But herein, in the midst of this back breaking task, I learnt an important lessons.
Christian Growth
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Famous Man or A Certain Man?
Most people want to be a Famous man. We can easily rattle off famous names, Bill Gates, Li Ka Shing, Lee Kuan Yew, and Gandhi. But a certain man? An anonymous certain man?
Today in reading 2 Samuel 18:1-18, the thought that captured my imagination is the phrase, "a certain man" in v.10. In the Bible, instead of the exploits of the rich and famous, we are often introduced to the poor and obscure. Yet these poor and obscure did significant things that changed the course of history. It was an obscure Galilean carpenter that died for the sins of the world. It was 11 obscure nobody fishermen and rag-tag band that changed the world upside down.
Today in reading 2 Samuel 18:1-18, the thought that captured my imagination is the phrase, "a certain man" in v.10. In the Bible, instead of the exploits of the rich and famous, we are often introduced to the poor and obscure. Yet these poor and obscure did significant things that changed the course of history. It was an obscure Galilean carpenter that died for the sins of the world. It was 11 obscure nobody fishermen and rag-tag band that changed the world upside down.
Flower pots and flower plots.
What is our life bounded by? How big is the area for our growth?
A 'by-chance' sight of a pot of plants by the Katong Florists gave me this insight into our human growth boundary.
There are limits for each of us - whether imposed by self or by circumstances or by society. He is autistic - the flower pot becomes very small. He is a bright kid - suddenly there's no limits for his growth, and he is potted by fertile ground.
What am I bounded by? Is it a small $3 pot or the vast limitless land? What bounds me? Is it childhood voices from my parents? Or society 's ridicule?
God today promises no boundaries for my growth. In fact He goes one step better. He plants me firmly besides streams of living water. For those who delights in the law of the LORD (Ps.1:2-3).
A 'by-chance' sight of a pot of plants by the Katong Florists gave me this insight into our human growth boundary.
There are limits for each of us - whether imposed by self or by circumstances or by society. He is autistic - the flower pot becomes very small. He is a bright kid - suddenly there's no limits for his growth, and he is potted by fertile ground.
What am I bounded by? Is it a small $3 pot or the vast limitless land? What bounds me? Is it childhood voices from my parents? Or society 's ridicule?
God today promises no boundaries for my growth. In fact He goes one step better. He plants me firmly besides streams of living water. For those who delights in the law of the LORD (Ps.1:2-3).
The text is in Gen.37:15 where Israel asked Joseph to go to Shechem to look for his brothers. When Joseph was there, he could not find his brothers and wandered in the field, lost. "A man found him" and asked, "What are you looking for?" and told him that his brothers have went on to Dothan.
• Israel asked Joseph to embark on the journey, with every good intentions. But it was God who was behind all these to bring about His planned destiny in Joseph's life.
• Israel asked Joseph to embark on the journey, with every good intentions. But it was God who was behind all these to bring about His planned destiny in Joseph's life.
Pulpit Reminders
I was reminded that the mundane things in life need not continue to be mundane, energy sapping and demoralising. Through God's enabling, I can do something about it. The issue always, is whether I am willing to let God break in and do His specialty - doing the impossible.
Personal revival
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