Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jesus and Prayer

Once a while, I review my old devotional journals. Today, I came across one that struck me. It was dated 28 Apr 2009 on a familiar passage of Jesus in Mark 1:35,  "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed"

It is one of those passages that embarrassed us about our own state of prayer versus Jesus'. He was working very hard the day before, and yet He got up early in the morning to pray. Prayer is definitely very important to Jesus, otherwise He would not do so. For me, tiredness would usually mean a rest from prayer so that I can rest - but not so for Jesus.

Another thought that stood out for me is that even Jesus need to pray. We would have thought that Jesus need not pray, being the Son of God with all the powers of heaven at His disposal. Yet He did, and perhaps, wanted to pray. Here I see prayer as not so much of coming to God with a list of request, but to come to God in fellowship and devotion. Prayer is that, where we seek the face of God and not just the hand of God to do things for us.

Jesus also made time for prayer in the midst of His busy schedule. When was the last time that I schedule time for prayer? Yes, perhaps in my younger days. I would need to do so again now.

I was reminded that the early Church Fathers had a 7 day prayer focus to help them in prayers.
Sunday - Pray against Pride; may God bless us with Humility
Monday - Pray against Envy; may God bless us with Kindness
Tuesday - Pray against Anger; may God bless us with Patience
Wednesday - Pray against Apathy; may God bless us with Diligence
Thursday - Pray against Greed; may God bless us with Generosity
Friday - Pray against Gluttony; may God bless us with Abstinence
Saturday - Pray against Lust;may God bless us with Chastity
Note: the "may God bless us with..." is from my church pastor and not from the early Church Fathers.

May we do something today about our prayer life again.

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